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Ana Sayfa Genel 1 Ocak 2021 413 Görüntüleme

How to Understand Meltblown Mask Fabric

Everybody has certain questions about how much the masks, which have become increasingly important during the pandemic, can protect us. In this article, we will examine the most preferred medical masks in general. Medical masks can be of two, three or even four layers. But which one is more protective, what should be?

Maske Türleri Source: medline

There are certain standards for the production of medical masks and classes showing their protection. Before mentioning these, we need to know the mask fabrics. You can examine the medical mask fabrics from my article I explained in detail. The best selling 3-layer medical mask fabrics in the market are produced as SMS (Spunbond – Meltblown – Spunbond) or SSS (3 x Spunbond). Of course, SMS masks are more costly than SSS masks and have more filter features. Apart from that, there are 4-layer masks. The first facing layer contains cellulose fabric. CSMS (Cellulose – SMS) type masks make your skin feel more comfortable thanks to its softer and non-abrasive structure.

Most of the masks sold in the market are unaware of the content. Manufacturer companies, on the other hand, do not declare which level mask or which layers they consist of in mask boxes, as it is not mandatory. We see ISO, CE certificates on mask boxes, but are these enough? Companies producing masks must obtain ISO 9001 and ISO 13485 certificates. Apart from this, a CE EC declaration of conformity must be prepared. However, most of the documents received in the market are declarations, that is, I received this document, but it means “I declare” that I will comply with the necessary conditions. However, the fact that it has been declared does not prove that it actually does it. There are accredited institutions that are audited by independent organizations. We need to see that the certificates received are at least given by the accredited organization. The part up to this stage does not actually make sense for the end consumer. However, it is important to inform the end consumer that the mask has been tested by accredited laboratories to prove the CE AT conformity declaration and it is clearly stated that it has passed the test. According to the results of the test, there are 3 types of protection levels: type I, type II and type IIR. I am preparing a detailed article in which I explain what these mean and how to control them.

There is a very simple method on how to understand masks with meltblown!

How to Understand Meltblown Fabric

Meltblown fabrics are made of spunbond fabrics The easiest test method to distinguish is to tear it. Cut your mask with a pair of scissors and try to tear the fabric in the middle layer.

Meltblown kumaş nasıl anlaşılır Meltblown Fabric

If it tears easily like paper, this is meltblown fabric. If you have trouble tearing it and it breaks like cotton, this is a spunbond fabric. Most of the fabrics used in the market are like this.

Spunbond kumaş nasıl anlaşılır Spunbond Fabric

In order to give an exact answer to the question of which is the real mask, a report must be obtained from accredited test laboratories that the masks meet CE standards. Water retention, flammability, bacterial growth, permeability etc. tests are performed. It is not possible for us to control them with our own means.

Maske Kumaşları Arasındaki Fark

Mask fabrics look very similar to each other. There are many types of fabrics in the market. The most used material is PP (polypropylene), that is, a plastic-based material. Especially Chinese fabric manufacturers share videos that mislead the consumer to market their products. How to identify the real mask, how to understand the real fabric, they try to prove them to you with burning and water permeability tests. I share with you what the test aims and results of.

Combustion Test

Meltblown ve Spunbond Yanma Testi Meltblown and Spunbond Combustion Test

Both Meltblown and spunbond fabrics are produced from PP (polypropylene) material. Polypropylene is a thermoplastic that can be thermoformed and recycled. Both melt and drip when you hold it on fire. In other words, it is not possible to understand spunbond with meltblown with our own burning test.

Water Retention Test

Su geçiren ve gerçirmeyen spunbond kumaş

I mentioned that it is very diverse. The same material has both water-retaining and waterproof versions. Especially, liquid absorbent fabrics such as diapers, sanitary pads, adult diapers, sweat pads should be used in the areas that contact the skin. It is necessary to use waterproof fabric in order to prevent liquid spillage. [1] Hydrophilic (water-retaining) chemicals have a structure that absorbs water rapidly. By using these in textile products, products with properties that absorb liquid and / or convey it to the back surface can be obtained. [2] [3]

However, how impervious are the fabrics that we call waterproof? You can test this yourself. Pour a small amount of water over the mask. If it stands on it as a drop, it is a waterproof fabric. Now create a hole in the mask and squeeze it like a bag. You will see the water come out of the mask. Yes, it is possible to follow the mask from the mask that we call not. This test is already done in a laboratory environment to calculate how much amount passes under a certain pressure. So, with this test, we can understand whether only hydrophilic or hydrophobic fabric is used.

This is for a single layer fabric. In the three-layer SMS mask, the outer layer (spunbond) and the meltblown in the middle layer must show hydrophilic (liquid absorption) properties. [4] In the inner layer contacting the surface, it should be hydrophobic (waterproof). Nevertheless, since what we have explained is subject to certain standards, it is important to use the masks that pass the test report.

See you in my new article on how to understand the medical masks with specified levels of protection with test reports!


{ 1} [1] Utkay DÖNMEZ, Emrah KAÇMAZ, Hacı Arif KURT, “A STUDY ON HYDROPHILIC EFFICIENCY IN SINGLE USE SPUNBOND FABRICS”, Journal of Engineering Sciences and Design, DOI: 10.21923 / jesd.445212

[2] Saville , BP, 2000. Physical Testing of Textiles, The Textile Institute Publications, pp. 300, CRC Press. ISBN 0-8493-0568-3, USA.

[3] Akar, E., 2012. Preparation and Characterization of Active Polymers, Dokuz Eylül University Institute of Science, Master’s Thesis, 73 p., İzmir { 2}

[4] Rengasamy, RS, Kothari, VK, Bele, VS, Khanna, S., 2011. Liquid Sorption Behavior of Nonwovens. Indian Institute of Technology, 102 (12): 1019–1030.

Kaynak : https://www.muhendisbeyinler.net/meltblown-maske-kumasi-nasil-anlasilir/


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